
عنوان المقال عربي

الاشتراک فى نية الصيام دراسة فقهية مقارنة

اسم الباحث عربي

ايمان بنت محمد يوسف صالح صالح

Corresponding Author

صالح, ايمان بنت محمد يوسف صالح

Document Type

Book Review

Abstract English

Fasting is considered one of the most glorious worship which is an explicit path to be close to Allah , It is also the fourth pillar in Islam , and since the intention is the criteria to works correction , if it is appropriate the whole work will be appropriate also ,and vice versa ,if it is spoiled , the whole work will be spoiled , the intention is ordained to differentiate between habits and worships or to distinguish the worships orders and sorts between each other, as the issue of sharing in the intention of the issues that scattered parties between the books of encouragement and intimidation and behavior and books of jurisprudence rules, and the books of jurisprudence branches, which created confusion among many people , they tend to ask their Muftis about that because of seeking to gain the rewards and benefit that’s why they are very careful to put multiple intentions in one work . The main purpose and aim of this research is to reveal the legitimacy extent of sharing fasting intentions either in two prescriptions ( Fard ) , two voluntary acts (Nafl) or one prescription and one voluntary act . The research consists of : introduction , preface , three main studies , conclusion and technical index The introduction : it includes the importance of this study , study conduct and plan The preface : fasting definition , intention definition and sharing intention , it includes Fasting definition linguistically and religiously ( legally ) . Intention definition linguistically and religiously (legally ) . Sharing in intention definition linguistically and religiously ( legally ). The first study : sharing in fasting intention including more than one prescription : Aspects of the case Judgments and scientists sayings related to this case . Proofs and evidences ( citators ) of the judgments . Discussing the inferences & favoring the sayings The second study : sharing in fasting intention including one prescription and a voluntary act : Aspects of the case Judgments and scientists sayings related to this case . Proofs and evidences ( citators ) of the judgments . Discussing the inferences & favoring the sayings The third study : sharing intention in voluntary act (Nafl ): Aspects of the case Judgments and scientists sayings related to this case . Proofs and evidences ( citators ) of the judgments . Discussing the inferences & favoring the sayings Conclusion : It includes the most major findings Technical index : the research is tailed with an index for the references and sources

الملخص العربي

لما كان الصيام من أعظم العبادات التي يتقرب بها إلى الله عز وجل ، وهو الركن الرابع من أركان الإسلام، ولما كانت النية معيارًا لتصحيح الأعمال ؛ فحيث صلحت النية صلح العمل ، وحيث فسدت النية فسد العمل، و إنما شُرعت النية لتمييز العادة من العبادة، أو لتمييز رُتَب العبادة بعضها عن بعض. ولما كانت مسألة الا شتراك في النية من المسائل التي تناثرت أطرافها بين كتب الفقه المذهبي وكتب الفقه عموماً ، وكتب الفروع الفقهية، مما أوجد لبسًا لدى كثير من الناس، وكثرت أسئلة العوام للمفتين عنها ؛ حيث يسعى المرء لتحصيل الخير والثواب ، ومن ذلك أن يعدد النيات للعمل الواحد والعبادة الواحدة. فإن الهدف من هذا البحث هو بيان مدى مشروعية التشريك في نية الصيام سواء كان بين فرضين، أو نفلين ، أو فرض ونفل.

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