
عنوان المقال عربي

أثر الأدب الحبشي في نشأة الأدب الأمهرى وازدهاره

اسم الباحث عربي

مروة إبراهيم عيد محمد إبراهيم عيد

Document Type

Original Study

Keywords English

Keywords: Geez, The Origin of Amharic- Ethiopic literature- Amharic literature- Ethio Semitic

كلمات مفتاحية عربي

الإثيوسيمتيک, الجعز, الأدب الحبشى

Abstract English

The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect that Geez literature had on the emergence and flourish of Amharic literature. The Amharic language emerged as the principal successor and the daughter language of Classical Ethiopic. The impact of Geez literature is evident in a lot of Amharic literary works. The bases of Amharic literature are mainly derived from the moral, religious, philosophical traditions that are already well-established in Ge’ez literature. This can be proved through scrutinizing the content and form of these texts. This research has various aspects as it deals with various Amharic literary works. The research divides these works into: religion, history, romance, philosophy, astronomy, drama, and, finally, poetry. It is clear that these works are diverse and reflect valuable information as they shed light on the important effects of Geez literature in establishing Amharic Literature and its multiple forms.

الملخص العربي

يهدف هذا البحث إلى محاولة بيان أثر الأدب الحبشي في نشأة الأدب الأمهرى وازدهاره، وتعدد أشکاله الأدبية. وذلک من خلال إبراز کثير من الأعمال الأدبية الأمهرية، وبيان مدى صلتها بأعمال أدبية حبشية تسبقها، وتوضيح کيف نشأ الأدب الأمهرى في البداية معتمدًا على الأسلوب الدينى للأدب الحبشي الذى کتب باللغة الحبشية (الجعزية) المقدسة لدى کثير من الإثيوبيين، وانتقلت بعض ملامحه وقواعده في کتابة الأدب الأمهرى، وذلک من خلال نقل وتأليف کثير من الأعمال الأدبية الأمهرية التى تعتمد على مصادر وأصول أعمال أدبية حبشية. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect that Geez literature had on originating Amharic literature and developing it. The Amharic language emerged as the principal successor tongue and the daughter language of Classical Ethiopic. The impact of Geez literature is evident in a lot of Amharic literature works. The bases of Amharic literature is mainly derived from the moral, religious, philosophical tradition already well established in Ge’ez literature. This can be proved through scrutinizing the content and form of these texts. This research has various aspects as it deals with various literary works of Amharic literature. The research divides these works to: religion literature works, history literature works, romance literature works, philosophy literature works , astronomer literature works, drama literature works, and, finally, poetry literature works. It is vivid that these works are diverse and reflect valuable data as they shed light on the important effects of Geez literature in establishing Amharic Literature and its multiple literature forms

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