
عنوان المقال عربي

بناء برنامج حاسوبي في اللغة العربية يحدد الأبواب الصرفية للفعل الثلاثي المضعف المجرد: (دراسة لغوية حاسوبية، مبنية على مدوَّنة)

اسم الباحث عربي

وفاء كامل فايد

Document Type

Original Study

Subject Area

Language and Literature

Keywords English

Morphological Patterns of Arabic verbs، trilateral abstract geminate verbs، corpus of trilateral abstract geminate verbs، software program to accurately determine morphological patterns of verbs

كلمات مفتاحية عربي

الأبواب الصرفية، الفعل المضارع، اللغة العربية

Abstract English

This unprecedented research project tackles one of the hardest issues regularly encountered by the Arabic language learners and users, be them native speakers or otherwise, namely, determining with accuracy the morphological patters / categories to which the imperfect verb in general belongs, and the trilateral geminate verb in particular ; with the latter being the main focus of this work. To this end, this project has had as its ultimate aim to develop a software program that makes the process of identification and determination much easier, and consequently facilitates the learning process and the building of better competencies and command of Arabic.To achieve such, the verbs in question were exhaustively researched and collected from al- Qāmūs al- muHīT Dictionary by Al- fayrūzabādī, and complemented from the relevant entries in lisān al-ςarab of Ibn ManĎūr and tāj al-ςarūs min jawāhir al-qāmūs of az-Zabīdi. A database of 562 entries has been created and used as the base corpus with detailed tables of the morphological conjugations. The points and range of articulation have been taken into consideration as they have an impact of the patterns the verbs follow. The developed software program has been created based on the relevant data, and various groups of language users and learners were tested to determine the importance and the need for the software. The subjects doing the test were 119, each one was given a different test containing a list of 10 verbs to determine the correct imperfect form. The correct answers ranged from 40.67 % - 50.80 % showing a dire need to the software developed as part of this study. Additionally, this through and exhaustive investigation has resulted in identifying four categories to which the verbs in question belong to, signaling another important revelation in the study of Arabic verbs.

الملخص العربي

تحديد الباب الصرفي للفعل المضارع من أصعب الأمور التي تواجه دارس اللغة العربية ومستعملها، سواء أكان من أبنائها أم من الناطقين بغيرها، لذا كانت فكرة البحث بهدف التيسير.عَرَض البحث أساسيات الصرف العربي، وأشار إلى نماذج من أزواج الأفعال الثلاثية المضعفة المجردة، التي يَتَّحِد فيها أحد الصوتين، ويتفق فيها حيز الصوت الثاني أو صفته في الفعلين، ثم يختلف الباب الصرفي فيها.

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